July 2024: Valeriia arrived from Ukraine as a MITACS Globalink Intern for a 12 week stay. She is working towards the synthesis of new cyclophanes.
With impeccable timing, Jordyn synthesized a beautiful orange Olympicene derivative just in time for the Paris 2024 Olympic opening ceremonies!
June 2024: Marc and Jenna travelled to CSC 2024 in Winnipeg Manitoba. Jenna presented a poster on her Master's work and Marc gave a talk on the group's efforts on the alpha-allylation of hydroxy-PAHs.
May 2024: Jordyn joined the lab as a Summer NSERC USRA research student. Marc and Jordyn travelled to the Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference (WCUCC 2024) held at the University of Saskatchewan where Jordyn presented a poster on her summer research goals.
Winter 2024: The Open Research Lab Experience continued for its second semester.
Fall 2023: Marc started the Open Research Lab Experience for University of Regina undergraduate students giving them the opportunity to participate in and experience what goes on in an active synthetic research lab. Students do not need to have any prior experience in laboratory science to attend or participate.
July 2023: Recently Marc presented the groups first ever results at the 48th National Organic Chemistry Symposium which took place at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, IL from July 9-13, 2023. Marc was awarded a Faculty Travel Award to attend this meeting.

What's happening in the MacKinnon Group